The primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) as manifested by the cranial rhythmic
impulse (CRI), a fundamental concept to cranial osteopathy, and the Traube-Hering-
Mayer (THM) oscillation bear a striking resemblance to one another. Because
of this, the authors developed a protocol to simultaneously measure both phenomena.
Statistical comparisons demonstrated that the CRI is palpably concomitant with
the low-frequency fluctuations of the THM oscillation as measured with the Transonic
Systems BLF 21 Perfusion Monitor laser-Doppler flowmeter. This opens
new potential explanations for the basic theoretical concepts of the physiologic mechanism
of the PRM/CRI and cranial therapy. Comparison of the PRM/CRI with
current understanding of the physiology of the THM oscillation is therefore warranted.
Additionally, the recognition that these phenomena can be simultaneously
monitored and recorded creates a new opportunity for further research into what
is distinctive about the science and practice of osteopathic medicine.
(Key words: osteopathic medicine, cranial osteopathy, primary respiratory
mechanism, cranial rhythmic impulse, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, laser-
Doppler flowmetry, Traube-Hering-Mayer oscillation)
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