Here are a selection of podcasts based principally on the topic of biodynamic craniosacral therapy, yoga & meditation practice

Topic: Intention & Non-Doing (Jan 2020)
Host: Ryan Halford

Topic: Health without an opposite (April 2024)​
Host: Jhana Bowen

Topic: Exploring yor Intelligent Body (April 2024)​
Host: Rob Rich

Topic: Biodynamic craniosacral therapy & meditation retreats
Host: Dave Armstrong & Tom Barnett​ (May 2024)
Website: www.livingfreemovement.org

Topic: Socialized survival strategies:
​Host: Tom Barnett​ (June 2024)​
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Website: www.tombarnett.tv

Topic: This (March 2020)
​Host: Ryan Halford

Topic: Four chambers of non-doing (March 2020)
Host: Ryan Halford

Topic: A night in the forest (August 2020)​
Impromptu forest chat - inspired by John Denver's - "Annie's Song"